Tuesday, 5 November 2013

The World Holds Everyone Apart, Apart from us/ She was probably not a Robot - Stuart Bowden , Brighton Dome

Creator and Performer: Stuart Bowden

Beards have long had associations with manliness. A sign of seriousness and maturity. When used with skill, they can also become a mask, heightening and hiding expression. This is the case with Stuart Bowden who, with expert sense of comic timing, uses his beard to full theatrical effect.

Landscape II - Melanie Wilson, Brighton Dome.

Writer, performer & director: Melanie Wilson

‘We are all solitary I think. But we shout over the top and drown it out.’. Explains Vivian, the central character in Landscape II; a nomadic photographer, who has moved back in to the family cottage, in a remote and picturesque position on the Devon coast.

What to see in Brighton in November.

6th & 7th November 8pm
The Basement
Forced Entertainment are something of a performance art institution. Hailing from Sheffield and still mumbling in microphones in a deadpan manner after twenty years. Sometimes funny, sometimes poignant, sometimes terrible but always interesting.