Sunday, 22 December 2013

Peaches does herself - Brighton Dome, Corn Exchange.

Elementary school teacher seems like an unlikely first job for gender bending electronic musician and performance artist Peaches. However as is clear from her album The Teaches of Peaches, Peaches still has something of the educator about her.
It’s possible to be offended by her sexually explicit language and penchant for giant graphic reproductions of genitalia, yet everything that Peaches does is informed with generosity, warmth and a genuine desire to teach her audience not to fear their sexuality. Her willingness for silliness is so dedicated she makes it impossible for her audience not to want to join in.

The audience at the Brighton Dome were certainly feeling the love as they were treated to a Peaches extravaganza; her electro-clash jukebox musical Peaches Does Herself, plus a Q & A with the artist, topped off with a DJ set in which Peaches performed and sung astonishing vocals throughout. A natural clown, despite the egocentric nature of her persona, Peaches clearly put the needs of her audience before her own ego. When faced with a temperamental sound system, her immediate reaction wasn’t to blame the venue like a self obsessed diva, but to try and ensure that the audience remained entertained throughout all whilst keeping hold of her padded breast shawl.

So what did she have to teach us? As well as exploring themes of sex and multi gender, Peaches first film also looks at the way we view aging and sexuality, brilliantly exemplified by the inclusion of the shockingly graphic 65 year old stripper Naked Cowgirl. Yet the best lesson is the lady herself. Despite obvious comparisons to Lady Gaga, Peaches is able to parody pop music and sex without making herself a victim. Unlike Gaga who always seems aware of still looking sexy, Peaches always stands with a wide stance, unconcerned with a desire to look beautiful, devoted to the moment, true to herself and giving her all. I can’t think of anything better to teach us than that.

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